Transition Courses

At the Student Parent Center, we offer a variety of 2 unit courses designed to address key issues and topics to help student parents transition, transform their experience, and transcend to graduate school and/or professional employment after Cal.

Independent Students in Higher Education: Newly Admitted Student Parents

The goal of this course is to create a supportive learning community in which to master the unique challenges experienced by parents who are new to Cal and/or new parenting. The course is designed to offer timely information and shared strategies for balancing academic expectations with parenting realities. You will gain practical tools, tips and insights as you successfully navigate through your first semester. Course content is based on twenty years of student parent experiences and includes presentations, speakers, facilitated discussions and curative homework assignments (involving your children).

Course Details for Fall 2024

2 Credit Course, Pass/No Pass

Course Facilitator: Tomie Lenear; SPC Student Staff & Interns

* Thursdays from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM In-Person; Location TBD

ETH STD 198 Section 4; Course Number: 21660