Internships and Volunteering

Internship word cloud

Intern with a dynamic and diverse team to foster social change! Internships for academic credit contribute to services at the Student Parent Center or can take place in community-based settings serving children, youth, and families. Learn more about roles and how to apply below! Meaningful and creative opportunities for student parents to engage in service-learning, resume building, and advocacy projects. Student interns have been an essential part of the Student Parent Center for 20 years. Sponsorship by supportive faculty in the School of Social Welfare make it possible for student parents to gain experience and make volunteer contributions, scheduled around classes and parenting responsibilities. Apply below.

Intern roles at the Student Parent Center or Community Based Organizations 

Social Media

Assist Student Parent Center staff and interns with flyers, posters, logos and other design projects. Also updating social sites and our home website.

Baby Bears

Campus support for new and expecting student parents (with children ages 0 - 2) by means of peer support, resources dissemination, and community referrals. Areas of interest will also include Title IX and pregnancy accommodations, Early Head Start partnership, and soliciting donations for new parents.


Current Student Parents return to their high schools, continuation programs, and community colleges to inspire and motivate prospective students to achieve higher education.

Cal Dads

Organize a network of CalDads to share information, events and support services through the shared expereince of being a father and a student at Cal.

Cal Moms

Organize a network of CalMoms to share information, events and support services through the shared expereince of being a mother and a student at Cal.

Program Assistants 

Program Assistants will gain a deeper understanding about the resources, services, and mission of the Student Parent Center. Interns will have the opportunity to contribute their ideas and perspectives as staff meet the needs of the student parent community. Interns will also provide administrative support as needed.

Social Services Intern

The Social Services Intern will assist with the CalWORKs=CalGrads program, connect with the local counties to stay up-to-date on policy changes relevant to students participating in county programs including Medi-Cal, CalFresh, and CalWORKs. Duties will include maintaining accurate records, connecting with community partners, and maintaining program materials. Student might also assist in the facilitation of the Education 98/198 course, CalWORKs=CalGrads.

University Village Liaison

This intern will maintain a relationship with students and staff at the University Village. Areas of focus might include the Village Residents' Association, various Village festivals and events, and fostering the connection between the Student Parent Center and the University Village programs and services.

Health and Wellness Intern

The Health and Wellness Intern will assist with promoting holistic health amongst students parents. Areas of focus might include participating and organizing campus fitness events, promoting the various campus health and wellness resources to student parents, and developing a culture of self-care amongst their peers.

Events Intern 

The events intern will assist with the development and execution of Student Parent Center events and workshops. Duties might include, but are not limited to: reserving on-site and off-site spaces, assisting with purchasing orders, promoting events, and organizing volunteers.

Community Based Organization 

Students will secure an intern placement and project at an organization that serves youth, children, and families.

Interested in signing up for units?

Click here to apply for units. 

Faculty and Staff Volunteers

We are always looking for faculty and staff who are willing to volunteer!!! If you have questions, please contact Tomie Lenear or stop by 100 Cesar Chavez.